Patrick Martin
18z update
I had to defer looking at anything until this evening b/c all the images of the data were blocked at my work, so I'm playing catch up starting with 18z data.
After having had a chance to digest data in North Platte, and seeing as tomorrow will be a down day, I'm going to make the 4hr run up to Murdo SD. I'm committed to a northern play at this point anyhow, so might as well follow the moisture. Also like the upper flow over s/c SD.
20z update: (ok, not so far behind with updates as I thought I might be) As I was heading up hwy 83, noticed the storms going up in my vicinity. Given that the road network is absolutely horrible where I am, playing the hwy 83 corridor north of Thedford, pretty much following a storm for a while, then dropping back south to the next one to see if one can really get going. I don't want to venture to far north on 83 though as I need an east option available just in case. Starting to think all I may get out of the day will be elevated hailers.
Some new 18Z information, including a couple 9hr charts from a mock 15Z RUC...
I had to defer looking at anything until this evening b/c all the images of the data were blocked at my work, so I'm playing catch up starting with 18z data.
After having had a chance to digest data in North Platte, and seeing as tomorrow will be a down day, I'm going to make the 4hr run up to Murdo SD. I'm committed to a northern play at this point anyhow, so might as well follow the moisture. Also like the upper flow over s/c SD.
20z update: (ok, not so far behind with updates as I thought I might be) As I was heading up hwy 83, noticed the storms going up in my vicinity. Given that the road network is absolutely horrible where I am, playing the hwy 83 corridor north of Thedford, pretty much following a storm for a while, then dropping back south to the next one to see if one can really get going. I don't want to venture to far north on 83 though as I need an east option available just in case. Starting to think all I may get out of the day will be elevated hailers.
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