After checking the report data and the Tornado History Project, it looks like my attempt at catching the Elden storm by running toward Libertyville would have put me in the right place at the right time to catch the cell that spun up an F2 north of Pittsburg, MO. I might have even had a decent vantage to the SW of town as it formed. In all likelihood though, it was probably rain wrapped, and that, combined with how fast these things were moving, I probably would have opted for safety, bailed further south and watched a dark base smothered in rain tear off to the northeast at warp 5.
The main thing I'm walking away with is that this is not a setup I would like to chase. It's a one-shot deal, and even if you're lined up for one storm, you've got just a few minutes with it and then that storm, and the line it's riding are history. Thanks Jesse for posting the case and the updates!