11/14/05 (late)-11/15/05 NOW: Midwest-Mississippi Valley

All of our local channel (3, 6, 12) are pouring out continuing coverage. We're a little out in the sticks to have webcams and such out here. Looks like the one in Ballard county is really thumping. Hearing some decent hail reports. No more touchdowns as of yet.
White Co IL storm has a nice midlevel meso...with a very nice low level convergence signiture that has been building over the last 10 min. Looks like this storm is more of the "normal" type supercell (it's slowed down it seems), with many of these others being very fast (in terms of speed and apparent cycles)

Name this feature (7.5 degree tilt from VWX): http://weather.ou.edu/~kortega/namethisfeature.png
Since everything seems to be focused in this thread, I will post here...

I was looking at some forecast soundings from the RUC valid at 03Z-06Z this evening/tonight, and the LCL's across northern IN and spreading into MI get pretty low. In fact, DTX shows an LCL of 108FT, with instability becoming SFC based (very weak SFC based instability on the order of 100J/KG all located under 700MB).

I think the best bet would be for convection to advect into that region, sustained by strong forcing... With at least SOME SFC based instability, that would allow for damaging winds and tornadoes to become a threat, obviously driven by dynamics and kinematics.
Dang, that cell just south of Paducah is really impressive and has one hell of a couplet on .5 deg. There HAS got to be a tornado on the ground with that one
Very much loving the cluster of supercells now pushing into southwest / westcentral IN at the moment... Very intense mesocyclones indicated between Albion and Lawrenceville. These storms are right along the warm front and will continue to move through strongly backed boundary layer flow (only enhancing 0-1km SRH even further). There should be tornadoes on the ground associated with this activity...

Very strong low-level mesocyclone associated with a storm further south... Just southwest of Gloconda, IL.
Name this feature (7.5 degree tilt from VWX): http://weather.ou.edu/~kortega/namethisfeature.png

WOW is right! That's one hell of a BWER! Almost looks like that "tornado-cane" that SPC had on their highlights page a few years ago (produced a wind gust to 165MPH, BTW).


BTW... You know that I hate you right? Running WDSS2 in real-time while us poor saps are stuck with COD :roll: :lol:
My chaser here in Norman that I chase with just got off the phone w/ his brother in Paducah and he reports extensive damage in Paducah, widespread damage.
Very much loving the cluster of supercells now pushing into southwest / westcentral IN at the moment... Very intense mesocyclones indicated between Albion and Lawrenceville. These storms are right along the warm front and will continue to move through strongly backed boundary layer flow (only enhancing 0-1km SRH even further). There should be tornadoes on the ground associated with this activity...

Very strong low-level mesocyclone associated with a storm further south... Just southwest of Gloconda, IL.

I'm finding it interesting that the bigger storms are having the worse looking low levels--as far as velocity--(though it looks as if this W KY storm might contradict me)...but early on the smaller storms had the better couplets at the lowest tilts. It might be interesting to go back and look at which storms end up with the tornado reports (or stronger tornado reports)...I bet it ends up being the smaller storms---which has me scratching my head.

Robert----I do my best to be hated on :wink:
Kiel Ortega wrote:
Name this feature (7.5 degree tilt from VWX): http://weather.ou.edu/~kortega/namethisfeature.png

I've seen features like that before... where you have what looks like a BWER/wrapped up hook aloft with a trailing appendage of precip on the right rear flank. Sometimes, the trailing feature will arch down into appendage of the supercell at the surface. Do you have a screenshot of the storm at the 0.5 tilt at the same time?
