John Homenuk
Regarding the season thus far, I would have to agree with Brett more than John in the posts above. Yes, it definitely has been above average in terms of numbers of tornadoes and numbers of promising setups. But aside from April 26th, and a few back-to-back days in central TX that I get the sense not a lot of chasers went after (though some smart ones did), most of the tornadoes were after dark, hard to see due to low clouds and rain, and/or in poor terrain. So despite the large number of tornadoes, I think it has been somewhat disappointing in terms of chasing, except probably for people who chased the aforementioned events. But like Brett said, there were many promising-looking setups in prime chase territory that just did not work out.
All that said, we are just now getting into peak chase season, there are signs of the current pattern changing, and there will be lots of opportunities, including a lot of time in late May and June that is still now beyond the reach of reliable forecasting. So no reason to lose hope at this point, unless you are tied into one particular period that does not work out.
First, I totally respect your opinion so I don't want this to come across as argumentative or brash. But isn't this highlighted part kind of the point? To have an outbreak of photogenic tornadoes in late April followed by three straight days of visible/photogenic tornadoes in Texas all before May 5th is a bit of a feat in itself when it comes to any storm chasing season. How can we actually sit here and call that disappointing if it's not just a personal bias at play? You specifically said it has been disappointing "except for people who chased the aforementioned events". Which reads to me as - it hasn't been disappointing from a chasing perspective, I just wasn't there to see it.
Just my opinion, and at the end of the day we each rank our chasing seasons differently. Here's hoping we all have nothing to disagree about in about 3 weeks time after this stretch is over