John Farley
I kind of need to update what I posted June 15 when I called my season very subpar. Although I am still at just one brief glimpse of a tornado and no pictures of one, probably my 3 best chases have been since that post. On June 19, I caught the nearly stationary supercell near Willard, NM that produced massive hail accumulations and flash flooding, leaving vehicles stranded for hours. And a number of brief but photogenic funnel clouds, like this one:

Then, almost a month to the day later, on July 18. while out initially just to shoot lightning, I got this near Las Vegas, NM:

And then last night near Pagosa Springs, CO, again out for lightning, I got some of my best night-time supercell pics ever, including these two:

I would now rate my season as still subpar, but only slightly so. Definitely was not a good year for tornadoes, but for storm structure and photography, it was not bad at all. It ain't over till it's over, and of course it is still not, with some of September and all of fall left to go.

Then, almost a month to the day later, on July 18. while out initially just to shoot lightning, I got this near Las Vegas, NM:

And then last night near Pagosa Springs, CO, again out for lightning, I got some of my best night-time supercell pics ever, including these two:

I would now rate my season as still subpar, but only slightly so. Definitely was not a good year for tornadoes, but for storm structure and photography, it was not bad at all. It ain't over till it's over, and of course it is still not, with some of September and all of fall left to go.
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