11/14/05 (late)-11/15/05 NOW: Midwest-Mississippi Valley

Madison CO one in nw TN moving ne at 70MPH! Seek shelter several minutes ago!!!! is what that warning should read.
Yes Jeff...it's that same storm. Unbelievable rotation. Also, the storm south of INDY os one that has gotten even better organized in the past few minutes. Watch out INDY!!
Very strong meso northeast of Crane, IN -- which should smack the city of Bloomington head on. They should also effect KIND within the next hour...
Originally posted by Ben Leitschuh
\"Trailer park is gone.\" Paducah Police scanner. Anyone else hear this?

Yep...heard it, and you can hear their frustration, as they're not able to get to certain places, due to power lines and debris.

SW of Indy is a definite hot spot right now. Two cells, one with a TOR on the ground, are really going strong. 45 mnutes or so before they impact the Indy metro area.
I've been calling, text messaging, and emailing my friends in BMG for the last thirty minutes. Bloomington is in a portion of southern Indiana that is very hilly and forested and there would be no spotting a tornado from any distance. Without visual warning and with tornadoes moving at high speeds, lets hope they start blowing the sirens and that people pay attention this time.
I just tried my cousin who attends Indiana University in Bloomington. Left a message for her. Sure hope their scholl has good pre-plans in place.
The buildings on campus are all made of limestone and have basements. There's a decent siren system in the city that they like to blow for even the smallest of reasons; I'm sure they're blowing it for all it's worth right now. I can't get anybody on the phone currently either.
I think Bloomington is going to be spared from this particular storm as its path looks to be north of the city. The IND storm looks to have weakened somewhat, but should still make a mess of things in town.
13 towns hit by tornadoes

from CNN

might be adding 2 more

earlington and madisonville kentuycky are in the path of a pretty good supercell