11/14/05 (late)-11/15/05 NOW: Midwest-Mississippi Valley

It's dark, rainy, and cold... I'm probably just gonna sit back and watch as things evolve around me rather than head out (plus, I don't have a vehicle in good operation, LOL)...

Of interest though, the pressure has been really tanking here since about noon, on the order of 1MB per hour. Winds have also veered to a more southerly direction, and I expect temps to bump up pretty soon as the warm front slams through.
Originally posted by CHris Whitehead
check out this signature


Look at that again and tell me thats not one of the meanest line of storms youve seen. I bet the lightning is unreal in those cells, not to mention the hail. Ive been through some storms that have been highly charged electrically and its flat out not fun. I know im a man and im not supposed to admit these kinda things but certain storms ive found myself crouching in an interior room just so I dont have a heart attack from the bolt that HITS.
oh btw theres a really nice couplet too.
Nashville, TN is literally surrounded to their west. There is no way they are going to get missed by any of this. There are at least 2 bows/LEWP's and several meso's heading right in that general direction. Hopefully people are paying attention
...even so, it appears as though they dodged a BIG bullet with the most intense area of rotation passing just south of the city about 10 min ago. Tornado warning in effect for eastern Warren county.
Originally posted by CHris Whitehead
any kind of live streaming coverage out of Nashville?

Yep! On CNN national news right now! Not sure we've ever seen live, on the scene coverage of a tornado warning situation on national TV before, but CNN has a reporter right there and met following the storm tightly.
Obvious rotation on all tilts in cell SW of Nashville (presumably on an outflow boundary, as it's well ahead of the line)


Also, I'd say that that line to the west of Nashville is kickin' and complainin' about going linear -- looks more like a string of kidney beans to me. The discrete cell WSW of Nashville has me a bit worried for Nashville. As does the cell SW of Nashville. Both look like they're going to converge on Nashville... hopefully the merge will disrupt each other.
Persistant rotation/TVS entering Williamson County will effect the southern suburbs of Nashville eventually. This looks like the worst threat ATTM....
Originally posted by rdale
3D view of IWX storms near Ft Wayne shows an INCREDIBLE amount of tilt to these low-topped cells!

The storms are not likely tilted as much as one might think. Remember the storm is moving in between slices.... there's going to be at least 4 minutes between bottom to top for VCP12.... so for a 60mph moving storm, which a lot of these are... the whole storm has already moved 4 miles in the time of one VCP12 scan.

Mike U