Chase case #4

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I was going to post my thoughts this morning - but I accidentally read Mike H's post. Sorry. Next time I guess I'll buy a blindfold and get someone else to navigate me to the thread where I can post. You all know as well as I do - if there are posts in a thread - you will read them. It's human-nature. It shouldn't be that hard to follow the rules that Jeff laid down at the beginning, but hey....

It's also common sense to know that posts before yours will contain information that would lead you to the solution. Maybe it's not having the confidence to make your own forecast without second guessing yourself that drives you to read others posts.
Here are the 0z maps:







OK OK, guess the date!
Ya know, I was bent so far backwards, trying to be civil and not start some flame debate, that I was kissing my own ass. Amazes me the jabs keep coming, I've already said twice "live and let live" which = "hey I can deal with it". Being nice dosn't work for me, so I'll just be myself.

As for the date, I'll go with April 23, 2000.
Ok, I'll save the suspense... LOL. The date was January 21st, 1999, which featured a significant tornado outbreak primarily across Arkansas that validated the high risk that was in effect.



LOL, this makes me a perfect three-for-three on completely blowing the forecast contest but I saw tornadoes on the actual day. I missed my tornado intercept point by 80 miles, so since we're just pretending, I'll say I had enough time to move northeast and get in on the action.
I was going to post my thoughts this morning - but I accidentally read Mike H's post. Sorry. Next time I guess I'll buy a blindfold and get someone else to navigate me to the thread where I can post. You all know as well as I do - if there are posts in a thread - you will read them. It's human-nature.

Ummm, I read the data just fine without reading other posts...and no one had to guide me! Schweeeet. I actually thought if I wanted to participate for myself that not reading the other posts would be the best way to do it. CRAZY thinking I know. Why are you even participating if you have to read other's thoughts first? It shouldn't be the get clues from everyone else first game anyway....if you have the need to figure it out yourself before the answer is given.

It shouldn't be that hard to follow the rules that Jeff laid down at the beginning, but hey....

Yes and where exactly did I reveal the date of this? I left it coded enough that you'd have to be wanting to know the right day at least somewhat to figure it I mean in my first post I say I know the date. If you soooooooooooooooooooooo didn't want to know the date why continue reading in my next post?

The data is in the areas with those big flippen pictures attached. They are almost like a reverse blindfold.
I'm feeling kind of lazy on this chase day, I smell a bust, no moisture. Probably just sit this one out. Good luck to all of those chasing today.

Dick! Don't let that unforecastable low get you down!
If you do figure out the day of this case, please do NOT reveal it (not even a "I think I'll target *** [hint hint hint]").

I would have thought that this statement was fairly clear and fairly easy to follow. Seeing that clause in there from Jeff at the very start of the whole thread is what made me feel completely safe to read others' posts and see the forecast reasoning. I hadn't imagined that someone would ignore it.

What I'm getting at here is that I DON'T want to know the DATE of any particular chase case - that fact is totally lost on me. I couldn't care less if Jeff had used his crystal ball and found a date from May of 2006 to test us on! I want to pick a target area and see if it even comes close to verifying on the data given. And - from giving me your target town in big hints - you have ruined the exercise for me. It's not about date-dropping ..... it's about area-dropping.

Yeah Karen, learning the date and outcome really kills any chance at learning meteorological stuff from the event. It is hard to take your own stab out there first and then read too. It is easier to complain about it and how my coded answer ruined all this for you. The coded answer you had to stop and try to figure out.
Why don't we do it this way? Why not just have a person give the data then lock the thread? Everyone can make their own forecast then PM their target to the person who started the thread. The next day, the person can reveal the results/winner. This way, people like me, who never do anything on their own, can't cheat.

Oh my God - if this system is implemented into the Target Area I'll never see a tornado again :shock: :shock: :shock:
Why don't we do it this way? Why not just have a person give the data then lock the thread? Everyone can make their own forecast then PM their target to the person who started the thread. The next day, the person can reveal the results/winner. This way, people like me, who never do anything on their own, can't cheat.

Oh my God - if this system is implemented into the Target Area I'll never see a tornado again

If you are THAT concerned people think you are cheating(when it is for yourself to begin with) then that is likely a good idea. I mean that is all that would clear up, what others thought. Again, for the billionth time, if you yourself don't want to "cheat" it is awefully simple to do that yourself...with no changes needed. All I ever said was I didn't get why anyone not wanting to know the answer would read the posts in the forum first. It makes no sense to ME.
I apologize for ever bringing it up. I don't have anything invested in this so let's just move on. Sorry StormTrackers, I thought I'd grown out of this but I never will.
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