Andy Wehrle
Looks like for the first week or so at least, June will be pretty boring weather-wise.
Maybe for where you are, but I'm on vacation next week and based on the model watching I've been doing and and this morning's SPC Day 4-8 outlook, there's a high likelihood I'm headed to the Dakotas!
It's not a wowzer of a trough by any means, but the Canadian (TX) tornadoes were a good reminder you don't need that to get great storms & tornadoes, AND you don't have to race them at 40-60 MPH! 500MB flow couldn't have been much above 30 kt in that area at the time.
I don't like driving, so I'm loath to do 6+hour trips for less than surefire AOA moderate risk setups, but another thing this year has reminded me of is how much the terrain in Wisconsin sucks for chasing. So many hills and trees, there are very few places to get an open view of the sky. I used to tell myself "It can't be worse than Dixie Alley, and people chase there, AND bag violent tornadoes flying through at 50+MPH without getting themselves killed," but actually I think it is (worse).