Marcus Diaz
If you recall, it happened last May. Although it was an overall low end system, it did kick off a few days of severe weather and a few tornadoes.
Maybe I spoke too soon?scratch what I said about next weekend apparently.
The eastern High Plains have received quite a bit of rainfall the past week. The Black Kettle/Cheyenne area picked up over 7 inches of rain the previous 7 days with the eastern TX PH probably receiving just as much. Feeling pretty confident we may have a good season further west for the first time in awhile considering I haven't seen multiple days with supercells out that way in quite awhile.
A lot of the climate models and analogues for the current pattern show a wetter than average spring for a lot of the Plains, especially the High Plains, and the Front Range. Indeed, flooding could become an issue in places.
To me, this suggests a higher than normal influx of Gulf moisture into the western parts of the Plains, not often favourable for Great Plains events (dryline to far west, etc etc). Of course, sub-seasonal influences will, of course, mean that eastwards-moving troughs and upper lows will occur, but perhaps a little less regularly than might be expected.
That being said, some nice High Plains action with supercells moving off the various topographical features out west (rather like last May) can make for excellent chasing!