I'm just dying here. WTF is the problem. I'm trying to put a number to how bad this season is. 2006 was armagedon compared to this so don't bring that up. How far back to you have to go to really hit a god awful season? I looked at the tornado count records, but those are BS. That weak little storm by Ark City that produced dust whirls got credit for four tornadoes. I want to know from a chaser's perspective (not tornado #'s which don't translate well into what we are looking for) how long has it beeen since there was a season worse than this one. I haven't been chasing long enough. I can pretty much cover the past decade, but the older guys are going to have to answer the question because IMO there hasn't been anything worse in the last 10 years. Any answers?
Yeah, the tornado count doesn't really sum up how bad this season has been mainly for us plains chasers. It seems like at least 80% of the tornadoes have been outside Tornado Alley, mainly the SE US. Even in May (e.g. May 3 and May 6). Oh and I certainly won't forget May 5 when we got that nice storm outside of Breckenridge that failed to produce and I got to the motel and saw all the tornadoes in NC! Sums up the whole season.