Daylight Saving Time

Just thought I would remind everyone to adjust your cameras and camcorders this weekend before you head out next week then remember... Get it out of the way while it's quiet :wink:
Also - remember to modify the time setting in your profile from GMT-6 hours to GMT-5 hours (for those in the Central time zone).
I definitely like the "extra" hour of light at the end of the day. However, with me going back to first shift Monday it's not a good weekend for it to change for me lol.
I don't know about you guys, but I thoroughly enjoyed my extra hour of heating today! What a nice day! :wink:

Classic!! I think everybody else in the US looks at this as losing as hour of sleep. Extra hour of heating is the only way I see it!! :D
We'd probably actually end up using MORE energy if DST started in March and ended in November - the sun would be rising well after 8am in a lot of places if we did that so more people would be getting up when it's still dark. Also I'd bet we'd see a lot more kids getting hit by cars on the way to the school if DST started in early March and ended in late November.
The deed is done and it looks like Canada will follow suit...

The U.S. Congress quietly signed off on a provision Tuesday to extend daylight time hours by two months. It would begin on the first weekend in March, and end the last weekend in November.

\"Obviously, the Canadian economy and the U.S. economy are so integrated now that for us to be out of sync with one another I think will cause some severe problems,\" Len Crispino, president and CEO of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce told CTV Newsnet.

Be well, TR
I don't know about everyone else, but I'm all for 7 pm sunsets in March and 6:30 pm sunsets in November.... I hate early sunsets.
The earlier adoption of DST will be nicer for chasing as well -- If I get out of class at 3pm next March, for example, that'll be 20z, not 21z, giving me another hour of practical chase time.
Indiana's a treat...county-by-county

The Feds told Gov. Daniels that individual counties would have to petition to be moved from the Eastern to the Central time zone. I hope the Feds insist on contiguity of time zones, not a central Indiana island of Central in a sea of Eastern. That would make Hoosiers long for the days of "slow time" and "fast time".