Daylight Saving Time

Dec 18, 2003
Lubbock, TX
Anyone wanna start a pot on how long it takes for someone to make the annual post about that "miraculous extra hour of heating" we will get for chasing when Daylight Saving Time rolls around April 3rd? :lol: :lol:

As a side bet we could start a pot on how many people will improperly call it Daylight SavingS Time.

Of course we get an extra hour of heating! Everything we declare automatically affects objective reality...nature is no exception! Everyone knows that... GAW!

All kidding aside, I love Daylight Savings Time ( :wink: )! Nature obviously doesn't care about our "time" changes, but at least those at my school and workplace do. Plus, by Daylight Saving Time, the Gulf finally starts cranking out the really juicy air (as opposed to the generally moisture starved month of March).

hehe, maybe we should be betting when it will be first posted on WXCHASE lol I suppose I should have posted this in the EE forum, but it ALWAYS comes up EVERY year in chasing discussion.

Some interesting info as this has always been one of my many pet peeves:

Spelling & grammar

The official spelling is Daylight Saving Time, not Daylight SavingS Time.

Saving is used here as a verbal adjective (a participle). It modifies time and tells us more about its nature; namely, that it is characterized by the activity of saving daylight. It is a saving daylight kind of time. Similar examples would be dog walking time or book reading time. Since saving is a verb describing a single type of activity, the form is singular.

Nevertheless, many people feel the word savings (with an 's') flows more mellifluously off the tongue, and Daylight Savings Time is also in common usage, and can be found in dictionaries.

Part of the confusion is because the phrase Daylight Saving Time is inaccurate, since no daylight is actually saved. Daylight Shifting Time would be better, but it is not as politically desirable.

Some interesting historical info on Daylight Saving Time:
Of course it's an "Extra" hour of heating. This means that I can sit out on the tail gate for an extra hour and soak up a bit more sun! Another hour in which I can get a little more sun burnt! :shock:
Not to sound all Sienfeld, but:

What is the deal with Daylight Saving Time? Why the crap do we still employ this stupid scheme?
So those of us with young children can enjoy the fight(s) at bedtime while it is still light out and the older kids can be heard playing outside! :wink:

Be well, TR
Perhaps you should read the information about Daylight Saving Time:

On the website, it mentioned how our own American Inventor and Early Storm Chaser Ben Franklin proposed the idea of daylight savings:

The idea of daylight saving was first conceived by Benjamin Franklin (portrait at right) during his sojourn as an American delegate in Paris in 1784, in an essay, "An Economical Project."

To answer the previous question, the Daylight Saving Time program was adopted to saving energy nation-wide.

Looks like the bets are done since someone already used the S word... :shock: LJK.
Not to sound all Sienfeld, but:

What is the deal with Daylight Saving Time? Why the crap do we still employ this stupid scheme?

Well, here is one thought. Most tornadoes on the southern plains (CDT) will happen between 5-8 pm. Let's take away DST and that puts them 4-7pm, smack in the middle of school getting out and people getting off work. Just one thought.

I for one like the late sunlight hours for all sorts of reasons. I am NOT a morning person whatsoever.
"What is the deal with Daylight Saving Time? Why the crap do we still employ this stupid scheme?"

Well, for one, it's probably more pleasant for most to get up and go to work before we start sweating. We can get in a Little League double-header...have more time to enjoy the fruits the season has to offer. Our machinery, and the heat it generates, can operate during cooler hours. Umm, and on severe weather days, how about being freed up from our daily obligations earlier to pursure our hobby? The only people I've ever heard complain about Daylight Savings Time have been farmers, and goodness only knows why. If they want to live and work by their own clock, no one is stopping them.

Sorry, but I think you're permanently out-voted on this one.[/quote]
"What is the deal with Daylight Saving Time? Why the crap do we still employ this stupid scheme?"

Well, for one, it's probably more pleasant for most to get up and go to work before we start sweating. We can get in a Little League double-header...have more time to enjoy the fruits the season has to offer. Our machinery, and the heat it generates, can operate during cooler hours. Umm, and on severe weather days, how about being freed up from our daily obligations earlier to pursure our hobby? The only people I've ever heard complain about Daylight Savings Time have been farmers, and goodness only knows why. If they want to live and work by their own clock, no one is stopping them.

Sorry, but I think you're permanently out-voted on this one.
Ya know, David, I still sometimes talk about that chase we did the night DST went into effect in 2003! Hey I'm doing it again!

For those who don't know (most of you), we chased until after midnight around Gainesville, drove back to DFW, cruised around for a while for an "acceptable" motel (I am anal about getting a ground-floor room I can park the car near), went to Denny's for breakfast, and finally got to sleep near sunrise.

The salt-in-the-wounds was that we also lost that hour of sleep from the time change, and got about 3 hour's sleep before needing to get up to get out for check-out time, LOL!

11 AM checkouts suck, especially when it's "really" 10 AM, and 9 AM if you factor in that I live in the Mountain Time Zone.


Then I was in trouble with the g/f because I never checked in the night before to let her know I was OK, LOL.

Ahh, the Good Ole Days.

Bring on spring!

I thought it was Daylight Savings Time

Dave's post is the first time I've ever heard anyone use "Saving"