Chase Season 2006: How The Mighty Have Fallen OR: Has it Really Been That Bad?
Wasn't it just a month-month + 1/2 ago that people were talking about possibly being on a record-setting pace for tornadoes? Now it's "one of the worst seasons in history".
Possibly the most dubious chaser quote ever:
"I'll save my money for May".
I recall hearing this, or some variation to this effect, several times in conversations with chasers explaining why they were sitting out one of the setups in mid-March through mid-April.
It's one thing to live 1,000 miles from the Plains and have 1 week of vacation time to set aside for the whole year, but any chasers that had the means to chase in March and April and did not have absolutely no excuse to be complaining about the way things are going now.
Chase when there are storms.
So, before complaining about mid-late May 2006's unquestionable dearth of tornadoes, think: Where were you for these babies?
I wanted to post Amos' image of the wedge near Westminister, TX here but I got a "you have posted more images than allowed" error!
What was your excuse if you didn't go? If you couldn't get off work or your car was broken down, that's one thing. Lousy luck, but at least you had a reasonable excuse. Anybody that could and did chase these days has had at least one sweet tornado in 2006.
Oh, did I mention I got my first chase ever in during this "down" period? No tornado, but we were on the only cell in the vicinity that had even a remote possibility of producing one and I had a blast.
Plus, nobody had seen much of anything in 2005 up till this point, and some then proceeded to have their best seasons ever from June 4-12. Those pictures above have a lot more tornadoes than I remember by the end of May 2005. If I recall right, just 4 days (March 21, April 10, April 21, and May 12) produced major tornado "catches" prior to June in 2005.