Chris Hayes
12Z ECMWF and GFS both say that Saturday-Tuesday next week could be very nice.
Just in time for me to be heading home <_< :lol:
12Z ECMWF and GFS both say that Saturday-Tuesday next week could be very nice.
If the latest GFS continues to forecast this, the 2006 Memorial Day weakend could go down in the history books.
If the latest GFS continues to forecast this, the 2006 Memorial Day weekend could go down in the history books.
Well, wouldn't you know it...I'm landing in Omaha Tuesday evening at midnight. I've been busy getting all the loose ends handled prior to leaving, and have had no time to peek at much else but this forum for the past couple of days.
May I please ask of you guys your opinions as to how Wednesday is shaping up? I quickly read today's SPC Day-3 and wasn't that impressed. But...if Tuesday goes as hoped, perhaps outflow boundaries could help goose things a bit for Wed.?
Thanks very much. Joel Ewing