matt patterson
i have a thought (would be a theory if i had testable material but i dont) that the reason that we are seeing some sort of chain reaction in regards to severe weather placement. Last year areas of western tx/ok/ks and ne saw very little in the way of severe weather. There were several days when the dryline would race across the west and set up along a emporia to tulsa to denton line which is where initiation would occur. the dryline would move so fast because of the very limited moisture in the west. im wondering if that becasue the drought is soo severe that the ground was eating that moisture up and in return we have no or very few storms. this year the situation is not much better and already with the first few systems we are seeing a similar trend set up for 2007. Storms with great dynamics and starting in E OK/ks/tx and moving into the ozarks and beyond. The amount of moisture that it is going to take to pull the west out of this drought is extreme and although they did get some snow this winter and some recent rain, there has been no resolution to date. Im wondering if it is goign to take the plains a while before they become active again.. think about it... if each year we get a little help (1"-4") surplus of precip, how long will it take before we are back in the hunt? If this were a thesis statement it would read "The impending drought in the western parts of KS/OK/TX is resulting in a faster than normal progression of sfc features across the area allowing for the better dynamics to impact areas East of the traditional Tornado alley. This creates a much higher impact of severe weather across these regions. The traditional tornado alley may take several years to recover from this lack of moisture and have the products in place to produce more than a handful of severe weather events per annum." Obviously im not an English or Letters major, but you get my point.
I would also like to look at the severe weather events that occured after the dust bowl. If states east of OK/KS/TX recieved above average numbers then that would help my point some.
I would also like to look at the severe weather events that occured after the dust bowl. If states east of OK/KS/TX recieved above average numbers then that would help my point some.