I too have been watching the Long Range Solutions for quite some time, and while obvious changes have occurred in both timing strength and location, all model solutions have been hinting at a significant trough for quite some time. We are begining to approach the time where I feel some faith can be put into general location and strength of the troughs, considering We are now approaching less then 100 hrs from the initial trough reaching the W Coast, although from there timing really is up in the air. I am always optimistic though and will look at what ever is good in the models until I am forced to stop ignoring the negatives. Any way you put it, it very much appears as though the plains will experience strong SW flow and good southerly LL flow for an extended period of time, hopefully that trough forecast to push through Monday/Tuesday will not push a cold front to far south and scour away parameters before the primary trough later in the week current indications are it lifts back N as a WF but that is getting quite deatiled so far out. Heres to a week of wait and see!!