Dave Kaplow
During this week two years ago we were starting a ten day stretch of non-stop insanely severe weather - but up until it began there hadn't really been much going on. So have faith - things will get interesting soon.
And there certainly wasn't much going on right afterwards, either. In '03 I and quite a few others had to watch all that insanity happen and then when we finally got out there on the 16th... Nada. Zip. Two weeks of insanely severe-free weather. But that's the way it goes, and there's no point in complaining. Let's not forget that last year, those very same first 10 days in May were also insanely severe-free, but immediately after that we had a couple of the best weeks ever.
So it goes. Faith is hardly needed, things will indeed get interesting soon enough. They always do.
A new twist on the ancient Chinese proverb/curse: May you chase in interesting times. :wink: