I'm going to take advantage of the new, relaxed "Weather & Chasing" style forecast threads and chime in with a few non-meteorological thoughts. I'm of course skeptic of models this far out, but have already made plans to chase whatever may come down the pike (actual deep convection). My thinking is, with the severe drought affecting most of traditional Tornado Alley (not just north TX & OK), I'm still very pessimistic about this year's Plains season. Therefore, I am looking at these early-season, out-of-the-alley type systems much more seriously than I would normally be. Honestly, I don't have a lot of hope for a typical Plains season, so I'm going to take whatever shots I get in those areas not traditionally chased. Next week's radar blip is no exception.
Common sense and experience tell me to bide my time through all the early-season, out-of-alley, risky chase scenarios, and save my stuff for the "real" season later in the year. But as of this writing, I truly have no confidence there will be a real season to wait on. I guess what I mean to say is, this year I'm putting the calendar away and just chasing systems as they come.