Well, damn, maybe I spoke too soon! This really defines the term of this thread, "wishcasting" when were all looking at the models this far in advance. I simply use them to say "okay, next week the pattern is going to change and it looks like two systems will be moving through the plains. Maybe some chase potential." You can start to get a handel of the region you will be chasing in when the forecasted chase day begins to show up on the WRF. Really, about three days out is all you can forecast for with any type of accuracy.
The last GFS run totally looks like crap for Wednesday and pushes everything down into Texas. It was pretty consistent on the past 4 runs or so, showing a good set-up over Oklahoma. Maybe just a bad run. I will wait and see if things swing back into play with tonight's run.
Too hard to really pinpoint any type of target looking out a week or so in advance, so I will put my foot in my mouth now! Just note that the pattern will be changing next week and it looks like at least two, maybe three decent chase days will evolve somewhere over the plains starting late this weekend and running into next week.