Brady Kendrick
View attachment 15436
After the past week, concern for drought to mitigate severe weather opportunities later this spring in the southern Plains is dwindling fast. Particularly across most of the southern High Plains (at least from the TX Panhandle northward), these are very impressive totals for March.
I would speculate that so long as we see April rainfall that's at least within the normal range, we should be well on our way to a third straight year of quality evapotranspiration west of I-35. This should be great news for all chasers, and particularly chasecationers focused on the late season. Unless the large scale pattern is particularly awful throughout the late season, I'd expect a tendency for weakly forced, mesoscale setups to overperform under these conditions (similar to the late May periods in 2015 and 2016).
Hard to believe, after we could hardly buy a setup west of 98°W with <20 F T-Td spreads from 2011-2014.
Made the round trip from AMA to OUN on Thursday-Friday and it was amazing how wet/much standing water there was the entire corridor of I-40 from the recent system. Amarillo is sitting at about 3 inches above normal for the year along with some of the other locations in the central/eastern Panhandle. Looks pretty healthy out there too at the moment as long as the rain keeps up.