Thoughts: Jet seems less "locked-in" this year than this time last year, if my memory is right. Just from glancing at the GFS, it seems like less persistent blocking patterns... but unfortunately that's about as deep of an analysis my knowledge allows me to make this far out.
Hopes: I started chasing in 2012, and haven't necessarily had a good year yet. Just less bad years, such as 2014 (still missed all the big events due to work). 2014 was the most successful in that I had more resources, like mobile internet and GRLevel3 to chase with, and increased forecasting skills (nailed a couple tough forecasts in MO last year). However, all three years have been equally dismal and lacking in terms of tornado frequency/quality since I started chasing. I was able to bag three confirmed tornadoes in 2014, after one in 2012 and zero in 2013. I'm hoping 2015 will be more of a "normal" year. Hopefully it will bring less veer-back-veer wind profiles that I felt was on every single setup last year. I'm buying a camera (rather than relying on my phone) and possibly starting a website, so I'm hoping to get some photogenic tornado shots to add to my arsenal of decent structure shots. Most of all, I'm hoping to see something that makes me as ecstatic as Jim Cantore seeing thundersnow. If we have another dramatically downward trending year as far as tornado counts, I'm going to wonder if we're seeing the beginning of the end of the tornado era.