Paul Knightley
We're still in a strong +ve PDO phase and this won't change any time soon, I don't think. Also, there is a 'Modoki' El Nino in progress at the moment (although there is much debate about whether this relatively 'new' feature is actually different from a more traditional El Nino!). One can look at the years when both were present and try to formulate an opinion - the most concentrated set of years when both were present appears to be 1986-1988. Of course, as the tropical Pacific pattern evolves the linkage becomes more tricky to follow as there may not be this 'version' of El Nino by May. One thing which is of interest is the MJO is very active at the moment - there are several tropical storms/disturbances in the Oceania region at the moment, indicative of a lot of tropical activity. If it continues on it's phase cycle it might favour a collapsing Pacific jet in around 15-20 days time.