Quincy Vagell
This is a good point about 30% vs. 15% outlooks. The latter of which is a relatively recent addition with the day 4-8 outlooks.One thing to keep in mind regarding the SPC Day 4-8 Outlook and its historical significance in that it's the first of its kind: SPC outlooks are not a steady, objective measure when looking back at events/patterns over the last decade. Human bias that is different in each forecaster will cause differences in outlook issuance and magnitude to some degree. Additionally, the guidance available has changed over the years, as well as SPC's minimum probability in the day 4-8 period (used to be 30%). Given the right forecaster, the guidance we have at our disposal today, and SPC's current methods of Day 4-8 outlook issuance, there very well could have been outlooks that looked like this in the past. The outlooks also have to verify, but that's a whole other conversation.
While it is definitely promising and great to finally see a pattern like this, the hype I've seen on social media of it being the severe pattern to end all severe patterns is a bit too much. For those not able to chase during this stretch: there will be other chances. Just because a pattern screams severe does not mean it will necessarily yield photogenic storms or tornadoes either. I've had to sit out a lot of events for various reasons, and I know the anxiety caused by not being able to chase them. However, there's always been great storms after that still.
I do agree that the hype on social media is out of control. I'm all about highlighting the synoptic pattern, but the posting of soundings that are for 144 hours out, for example, is silly. It's one thing if one or two people do it, but I can't tell you how many people in my feed are going on about details to Monday, when we don't even have the details clearly sorted out for Friday yet!