Skype Forecast School with Tim Vasquez

Dec 4, 2003
Become a forecast expert - Pick out chase targets without SPC help - Learn to work with model data!

Skype Forecast School!
This training program is just you and me on Skype. We can either follow a structured session built on your request for specific training topics, or we can conduct an informal session (most popular) where we pick out random core topics and gradually zero in on deficient areas. The topics can include severe weather, analysis techniques, chase strategy, radar and satellite interpretation, sounding & hodograph analysis, working with forecast models, and much more. I have an almost limitless data archive of storm situations to work from, including big chase days like Greensburg. Or if it's a storm day at the time of training we can use that to work with. Graphics are shown via the Skype video window.

My background. Many of you may know me as author of Storm Chasing Handbook, Weather Analysis & Forecasting, and programmer of Digital Atmosphere. I have an extensive forecasting background going back 28 years, and actively chased between 1987 and 2000, then ran the Chase Hotline after that. I hosted the Forecast School classes in Norman annually from 2000 to 2013 and occasionally did large forecast classes at Chasercon and Iowa NWA until 2010.

How to get started. The rate is $50/30 min or $75/hr. The fee helps pay my bills and caps the number of signups to just a handful of the most interested people. Training time is generally available 7 days a week between 12p-7p and 9p-1a. For more information or to set up training, e-mail me at [email protected].

Thank you!

Tim Vasquez
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