June 2006

Apr 25, 2004
MODS: If you feel this needs to be part of "The Future of the Season" thread, then add this topic as a reply.

I just wanted to start a thread on the month of June and its prospects for chasing unlike what we have seen or NOT seen in the month of May. Overall shear in May was crap and Im hoping it picks up with the flip of the calender. I would really appreciate some comments and researched analysis of what to expect going into the month of June. Not that I have SDS but Im merely just curious as I am preparing for my return to Oklahoma.
I'm quite happy that you started a new thread, Chris. The old thread was getting more than a bit long in the tooth, and I believe we should put the month of May to rest, so we can all hopefully start anew. I'm personally looking forward to doing some chasing in the Dakotas, once things start to come together there. The best part of it is that I'm not committed to an airline ticket if storms dry up. I can just drive home again.

I am so hoping our fortunes change for the better.

Move my post to the June Topic

I glance at some data I done research on: based on tornado days.

June is Number 1 for Tornado Days for these selected states:
Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota

June is Number 2 for Tornado Days for these selected states:
Illinois, Kansas. Minnesota

June is Number 3 for Tornado Days for these selected states:

Texas, I still have to finish. and somewhere I got data on
the rest of the Midwest States,

http://mgweather.blogspot.com Weather Data Links
Well after witnessing what has to go down as the worst May since 1988...my vacation days are all intact thankfully. The hopes for a more active June and July are on my mind. I have to say that this will probably involve long days of driving to get to the chase target. But... I have not done much chasing in Minnesota or South Dakota before, so I am also looking forward to maybe some events in these areas. I will have to also keep a watchful eye on E.Colorado too for some typical summertime action. If the summer does not produce...then there is always the fall severe wx season to fall back on!!
ok well that about sums it up...
Thanks everyone for posting. This thread is now put to bed.
In a word: Dakotas/Canada.....S*#T

EDIT: Unless this years hurricane season goes greek again, "Storms of 2006" will be a renamed "Storms of March 2006"
I'm not an expert on this, but it seemed like last May in Texas was pretty much crap, and then a few days in early June things went nuts in the TX panhandle, the 12th in particular. I believe every year is different and you never know what the next year holds. Here are some other June tornado statistics I've added. Who knows what can happen.

Well June has to be the last pop of the cork for me. I've been sitting here across the pond waiting, and waiting for what seems like an etenity. Nothing has enticed me so far, and I hope at least one good system allows me the opportunity for a chase.

ok well that about sums it up...
Thanks everyone for posting. This thread is now put to bed.
In a word: Dakotas/Canada.....S*#T

I wouldn't discount the Dakotas so quickly.

Lots of areas with 1x1 roads, and also it's pretty dang flat.

I find the chase territory up here to be just as good, if not BETTER than Kansas or Oklahoma.

Very little hills as long as you stay out of the MO River Valley.

Granted, you don't have data and cell coverage as good as in the southern plains, however that just makes you work harder for it.


Looking ahead, it's time to start thinking about May 2007. I don't see anything that gets close to matching even what we've had this past week. There will be storms, true, but it's going to be another May 23-31 at best.

I'm still on for one marathon 2 to 4 day trip if something shows up in late June, but I'm not optimistic. Time to go back to work and start saving money for next year.
Move my post to the June Topic

I glance at some data I done research on: based on tornado days.

June is Number 1 for Tornado Days for these selected states:
Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota

June is Number 2 for Tornado Days for these selected states:
Illinois, Kansas. Minnesota

June is Number 3 for Tornado Days for these selected states:

Texas, I still have to finish. and somewhere I got data on
the rest of the Midwest States,

http://mgweather.blogspot.com Weather Data Links

June is #1 in Wisconsin I believe.
GFS 216-240hr has consistently over past few days shown a glimmer of hope for Mon 12 onwards with a nice looking neg tilted deep level trough. Still a long way out but worth highlighting, as we have had very little else to look forward in recent weeks......edit Months!

Keeping a close eye on this from the UK. Could my time be coming ;)

GFS 216-240hr has consistently over past few days shown a glimmer of hope for Mon 12 onwards with a nice looking neg tilted deep level trough. Still a long way out but worth highlighting, as we have had very little else to look forward in recent weeks......edit Months!

Keeping a close eye on this from the UK. Could my time be coming ;)


I think the GFS is on to something, along with the Canadian model. I am anxiously awaiting an opportunity to head out from Alabama. I don't think the Central and Northern Plains can get through May and June without some good action.
Don't worry, I'm moving to ND so I'm sure tornadoes will return to OK ;)

Thanks for taking one for the team Aaron. I look forward to a tornado frenzy in OK soon :D