How will you organize your 07 chase vacation?

How will you organize your 2007 chase vacation time?

  • Take all of my vacation at once and have an extended period out in the Plains

    Votes: 25 24.5%
  • I am splitting up my vacation time into increments of a week or two

    Votes: 15 14.7%
  • I am taking a number of long weekends throughout the peak of the season

    Votes: 7 6.9%
  • I do not have to take vacation I chase when I like

    Votes: 36 35.3%
  • I will only be chasing on weekends on regular days off work

    Votes: 13 12.7%
  • I do not intend to chase

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
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I'm down to one car for the wife and I this summer unless I can find a cheap beater. I don't want any additional car payments as I intend on being a first time home buyer this summer. An extra car payment could provide an unfavorable debt to income ratio for the loan size I would need. Lack of an immediately available ride will make logistics for longer chases more difficult. Some tag alongs are possible but I'll probably be forced to chase many set-ups after 5pm on weekday. I will still have all weekend to party on the plains.
I"am hoping to go early May or the first part of June.It depends on the others I chase with, if they are able to go.I miss not getting to go this year. I like chasing in the Texas/Oklahoma panhandles,but anywhere is good. Just getting away from "everything" and meeting others is great,then throw in a few storms and it goes to wow!!!
For Myself, My year will probably start out Chasing Spring storms for the lightning photos around Southeast Idaho. It more or less weather photography then chasing due to Limiting factors to allow for severe weather. Usually Gust fronts and Squall Lines get me excited so I'll drive to a good point and just get those daytime/nighttime photos.

I have Been talking With an owner of a stormchase tour team. It seems that I may have a chance of being a Tour Guide during the 2007 Chase season. This will allow me to Advance my Photography a few levels and Learn alot more then I already know about Meteorology and help with better planning skills. In Idaho Im lucky to see 4 tornados during an average year and these Tornadoes occur anywhere from Boise to Twin Falls to Idaho Falls where Im at. All these cities have a good distance in between them.

I am hoping for a more active Monsoon season over my area. Thats where Most of my photos come from. Of course I do plan to get out to Arizona to get in the Middle of it all, but that will probably come another year. As far as Tornado alley goes, You'll most likely see me out there. Either with another fellow chaser or with family or better yet with the stormchasing team. Only time will tell.

In total, I plan to Spend every active Day out here in Idaho getting lightning and storm structure photos and video. If the Stormchasing team Owner does indeed chose me then I will be spending at least 2 months in the Midwest chasing. Crossing my fingers for now....

Hopefully you can have have your cake and eat it too! Start doing finger exercises so you don't get writers cramp when you sign all the paperwork for the house. Good luck!
I'm down to one car for the wife and I this summer unless I can find a cheap beater. I don't want any additional car payments as I intend on being a first time home buyer this summer. An extra car payment could provide an unfavorable debt to income ratio for the loan size I would need. Lack of an immediately available ride will make logistics for longer chases more difficult. Some tag alongs are possible but I'll probably be forced to chase many set-ups after 5pm on weekday. I will still have all weekend to party on the plains.
I have two weeks of paid vacation but my work will not let me take both weeks at once, go figure. I also have to give my vacation dates to my work very early. So, I will probably play the percentages and take the last week of May which, with the weekend before and the long Memorial Day weekend afterwards, will give me about 9-10 days to chase. I will try to take my other vacation days one or two at a time as needed on short notice but the jury is still out on if they will allow that. In addition, I'll always chase on weekends and "marathoning" it to and from the plains if need be.

Here's to a great chase year in 2007!
I'm a grad student who is responsible for teaching a Cal II class in the Spring here at Iowa State, and a 5-6 PM class at that, so until the fourth of May I'll only be able to chase Friday (since my class isn't held on that day) and the weekends. Post-6 PM chasing (for both TOR and severe thunderstorms) will be limited to 50-100 miles of Ames until then.

Spring Break, however, will be wide open, and given the mid-March date hopefully there will be some kind of risky area down south, or if a rare bird strikes, up here near Ames :)

I will have around two or three weeks free in Prime Time in May before Summer semester begins, and I'll likely ask for a grading gig in the summer since early June through July seems to be the better time for IA/MN, but since work is very tight over the summer I'll likely not be able to choose like I usually can during the year.
Sit in the car, ignite the engine and drive.

No, this is a discussion on when you intend to take your chasing vacation, not on how to work an automobile. A talent that is sure to come in handy if you want to chase though for sure, so I don't blame you for bragging!

I personally have a pretty busy spring coming up unfortunately so I may be forced to hang locally except for the big events until late May and early June. May is going to be somewhat busy, but I'm going to try and sneak a week and a half off in the middle of the month. Then I've got plenty of time in June off, so I'll likely try and take the first week off. Of course that all changes if we have a June like we've had the past few years. I'll save my money, thank you.

I've made my schedule so it's fairly easy for me to chase any day within 3 or 4 hours driving time, so realistically I could chase Illinois and neighboring states any time (okay, so Illinois or Iowa). The big chase states will be harder to get to with time restraints but I can imagine I'll be missing a few classes if something big goes down. I'm going to try and not miss any days of class until April so I'm alright to miss a few when the pattern goes busy. Who knows, maybe that''ll be before April again anyway.

Again Khan, we are not trying to instigate the season into being something it is not, and try and make the severe weather season bend around our vacations. We are merely having fun and discussing.
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