How will you organize your 07 chase vacation?

How will you organize your 2007 chase vacation time?

  • Take all of my vacation at once and have an extended period out in the Plains

    Votes: 25 24.5%
  • I am splitting up my vacation time into increments of a week or two

    Votes: 15 14.7%
  • I am taking a number of long weekends throughout the peak of the season

    Votes: 7 6.9%
  • I do not have to take vacation I chase when I like

    Votes: 36 35.3%
  • I will only be chasing on weekends on regular days off work

    Votes: 13 12.7%
  • I do not intend to chase

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
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Get out for outbreaks in March, April, take off May, lightning part time during monsoon of July, August, part of work in somewhere.
How will I organize mine? I already planned the dates that I am going... a bunch of us are going in a couple vehicles for 2 full weeks. Now just need to see if I can get a cheap decent laptop......
I guess I wasn't completely clear about how we organize our chases, earlier I said we take our vacation from late May to early June period. But we actually chase pretty much anything within a one state radius of Nebraska throughout the whole year and if its a weekend chase we can usually make it as far as the Texas panhandle or to the Canadian border if need be.
I've arranged my school schedule so that I'm off on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, so barring any major tests, those days are fair game. Once school is out, I'm taking a couple weeks off from work the last of May. If anything good looks to happen on days that I'm supposed to work...oh, great, it must be something I ate;) .
I have three weeks of vacation in 2007. I am planning to chase for a full week either the last week of May or the first week of June and then I will take 5-7 days as needed.

As always, I will be available to chase on the weekends.
Thankfully I'm blessed with an awesome day job that pays the bills and has unlimited flexibility on both how many days I take off and when I take off. So, my chase season is always determined by 1.) the quality of the season and 2.) available funds. With the car problem and distance covered in 2006, I'm still paying off this season. How much I progress on that and am able to save for 2007 will play a big role on how much I do next spring.

Lord willing and finances allowing, another 2003/2004-type season will get me out for a month or more solid, or as long as the active days continue. A 2001/2005-like year I'll just do several marathon trips on the bigger setups, then go home between them. Another 2002/2006-like year will keep me on day trips to Midwest targets (IL/IN) only.

I plan to pay setups in the closer-to-home Midwest much more attention in 2007.
I was lucky enough to take chasecations for 2005 and 2006, but in 2007 I think I will be chasing on the days I am not working. I would like to keep the miles down due to the ever-increasing cost of this will work well.
New job for me, so a week or two in May, depending on my finances and flexibility, and my brother and sister's availability considerations. Marc will be in Summer school, so I might have to chase a week without him--again finances.

Speaking of finances, Nick, maybe you should offer to "guide" a trip for Andrew and split the gas and hotel bill. He gets an experienced chaser, and you get to chase more days, perhaps--just a thought

I'm a little envious of all you Plains-dwellers :)
I live in extreme Northeast Oklahoma (Miami) and can usually make any target in 7 hours or less. There are a few exceptions of course. I work the graveyard shift and my job is very flexible. Since I live in the Plains I usually just chase on a day to day basis, unless I see a good "pattern" developing a week out and I may take a 4-5 day "mini vacation." I can imagine what a pain in the butt it is to pick a week or two period ahead of time. For example, early May was good in 03- late May was good in 04- and early June was good in 05. Add in the early season good days in 06 and it is impossible to get a grip on what is the best time to chase. If I had to chose I would probably go with the last week of May and first week of June as a good 2 week period. But of course it could totally bust and early to mid May hits big.
I can imagine what a pain in the butt it is to pick a week or two period ahead of time.

Yeah, last year sucked hard for those of us outside tornado alley. Maybe I'll move back one of these days--stuck here for now.
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