Marc Austin
After having a nice lunch with Dann and Patrick in North Platte, and after seeing the 15z data, I moseyed on down 1-80 to Grand Island, NE. Now having seen the 18z data, I've spotted an area of agitated cu developing to my east in the vicinity of York, NE, so I am heading there and am going to go find Marc and harass him .
I'm really liking the tongue of upper 60's dews that have nosed into south central/southeastern NE and the resultant low t/d spreads, which will create favorable LCL's for tornadic activity. Also digging the backing winds occurring from GRI north and east.
I will hold down the fort in York for the time being and monitor this cu field for initiation, but am also keeping a wary eye to the west/north and am prepared to blast north on Highway 81 to Columbus.
You can harass me all you want as long as we bag a tube today ! I've got a pretty good feeling about this location (York, NE). Ample moisture, good backing of winds... now we just need a little lift to spark a nice structured supercell. If anything starts going up further north, Columbus is only an hours drive. Still have the opportunity to chase in KS as well if things get going down there. Now it's a waiting game, which I'm really bad at in real life, so I'm glad this is virtual!