Robert Dewey
Originally posted by nickgrillo
Are you crazy Rob? LOL. :lol:
MI had over 25 tornadoes so far this year! :lol:
My perspective on chasing:
Supercells/Rotating Storm: YES.
Anything Outflow Dominant: NO
Yeah, but when those 25 tornadoes happened over a long period ot time (i.e. 2 tornadoes a month), then you can see the "lack" that I was talking about. I havn't checked on this, but I don't think there has even been an F2 or higher tornado this year in MI... The best event I recall was the lone supercell in central lower (the one that you were on earlier).
Anyway, hope you arn't too disappointed, because Monday is looking to be linear (hopefully I am wrong).
Anything Outflow Dominant: NO
You mean to tell me you would rather seen nothing at all than a derecho with +80MPH winds? I like tornadoes too, but I take what I can get (in MI, beggers can't be choosers :lol

To me, thi s summer has been relatively cold and severe weather free...