Scott Weberpal
I'm still in Twin Falls, Idaho, on the west side of town near the junction of US 93 and US 30. I'm getting a little nervous watching the convection fire off the mountain ranges to the south and west, but there is also a nice storm in open country to my south and east and heading right toward me. It's the southern most cell in a line of storms stretching in an arc from Owyhee County into Northeast Oregon. I'll play this junction in case the storm right-moves. There is a decent grid of roads in the agricultural Snake River Plain to my south. If all else fails and I need to move fast, I-84 isn't too far to the north.
Wish my nowcaster *ahem Scott* could get me more detailed surface obs to work with. I'm basically visual here.
Couldn't seem to get a hold of Gerrit (the only chase I know in Idaho), so I got a lunchable from a gas station. I accidentally left part of the wrapper on the Andes mint and it came in contact with one of my fillings. Woo! That was a surprise.
Here you go, Dann 19z Northwest SFC