
Tim Samaras

Dec 16, 2003
A quick note to thank everyone that attended our convention. We had a record-breaking attendance (again), and it appeared that everyone had a good time.

Dr. William Gray's lecture was fantastic!

Until next time...

Something very big is being planned...details late this summer!

Roger Hill
Tim Samaras
David Drummond
I just wanted to add a special thanks to Tim, Roger and David for organising such a good conference. It was so good to speak to other chasers outside to the hectic storm environment and again for the second year I managed to learn a thing or two.
If I take just one thing away from the conference it will be the notion of Lightning.
We were shown 9? case studies of lightning deaths in Colorado – in all but one of the cases it was the first strike that actually killed the victim in other words none of the victims thought they were at risk.
It compels me to say that the first “on chaseâ€￾ chaser death will be a result of lightning – I certainly will now be reviewing my protection around storms and properly opting to film from inside the vehicle most of the time !!!
I posted this on another topic but....
Wow. For the $91 it was a heck of a bargain. A seminar like that is worth at least twice the price- beverages, breakfast, dinner, shirt and 2 days of expert lecturers. Very nice hotel also.
Had a great time and it was more than worth the price. Great meeting some of the people.
Thanks for putting this together. I'm sure it's not fun orchestrating everything.
Hope to see this next year.
I too had a good time at the chaser convetion this year. I got to talk to a few chasers I've met in the past, as well as meet Mike Umscheid, Fred Plowman, Chris Wilburn and a few others.
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I agree it was well worth the price for 2 days of lectures and keynote speaker William Gray was excellent. It was nice to learn a bit more than I already know and to meet chasers that I have either met in the field or talked to via stormtrack.

It sounds like yet another awesome chase conference! Wish I could have been there. I had an article due to a magazine in San Diego.

They really are great conferences. I'll mark my calendar for next year.
Thanks, Tim, Roger, David, wives and everyone else who organized and worked so hard to produce such an awesome convention. It was great to meet well-known personallities, such as Dr. Gray, Dr. Greg Forbes, Tim Marshall, David Hoadley, and others, as well as not-as-well-known personallities. The event was definitely worth the time and money. I only wish I could have found more time to search out and meet more of the chasers on this forum that I am aquainted with. Maybe in future conventions...
Glad it went well, Tim.
I've seen the effort you and the others put into the conference, and it IS appreciated! :cool:

I was planning to attend , but life's 'issues' got in the way. Hope to see you all next year.
