2008 National Storm Chaser Convention

The SevereStudios crew will be departing Mitchell, SD around 8am tomorrow and making the 9 hour trek to Denver via automobile.

The team is excited to meet everyone and enjoy the 10th annual Convention, the first we've been able to attend.

We are planning to update our site with the sights and sounds of the convention, including video. If any of you would like to volunteer to be interviewed on camera, hit me up on my cell phone. You can find the number under my profile at SevereStudios.com.
Wow, we have a Moderate in Texas during the convention ... I'll still be here in Denver ... anyone skipping to chase?
SevereStudios.com Team is still going to Denver. No live streaming of a chase from us this weekend.

But.. if you check out site now, we are blogging, posting photos, and streaming live video through our Beta Live Portal. (We are still missing some features that we will introduce later this month)

So if you want to see some Nebraska and Colorado roads, check out the stream. We are keeping it up whenever possible, and testing the whole way to Denver!

Looking forward to seeing everyone there! Drive safe.
Our group has arrived in Denver, we are at the Radisson in room 231 if anyone wants to stop by.
No one cares Joey and we all hate you! >:O

((I'm in Joey's party))

But seriously if anyone has a deck or cards and some chips or pennies to burn stop by and we can get a game of hold'em going in room 231. There are 3 of us here.
Wish I could come; I have a gallery show running. It is a great conference. Next year perhaps for me! I'll try not to schedule a gallery show in the month of Feb.
First time in 4 years that I haven't been able to make the convention (go figure, this one's the biggest, yet). But, being a civilian again and living back on the East Coast, I just didn't have the time nor finances to go. Next year, though, I should have some $$$ and vacation time accrued.

Hope all goes well and everyone out there has a good time!

-Kyle (stuck in Philly)
Sometimes it is hard for some of us to get away or to have the $$ for such a trip. Maybe they could set up a seperate smaller fee and have the conference webcasted. INstead of the $79 to attend we could pay like $20 or someting to catch the webcast so some of us could still get the information.

Just a thought. I would still prefer to be there in person by family matters (daughters BBall) kept me here. Maybe a DVD of the whole thing offered afterward would also be cool.
SevereStudios has posted another video with interviews from ChaserCon 2008. We are attending a few more presentations tomorrow morning from Mike Umscheid, Jon Davies, and David Hoadley and then hitting the road back for South Dakota.
It was great meeting SevereStudios at the conference. You did a great job capturing the goings on and have a nice website...I will be monitoring it during this chase season to see what you post on it. Have a safe drive home and I hope to see you on the road this spring.