David Drummond
Hi everyone!
The 10th Annual 2008 National Storm Chaser Convention web site is back on line, being updated and you CAN NOW SIGN UP!!!! If you are interested in being a sponsor, please contact me for details.
Check it out at: www.chaserconvention.com
We are still waiting on a few RSVPs from speakers, but as of now the outstanding lineup includes:
Dr Josh Wurman and Sean Casey as our keynote speakers. Sean will unveil the NEW TIV II!!!!!
Dr Greg Forbes from TWC
Dr Howie Bluestein
David Hoadley
Tim Marshall
Tim Samaras
Jon Davies
Mike Umscheid
There will be a few more as we get confirmations back. As you can see the line up is HUGE this year and will only get better!
Same hotel as last year. And the dates again are Feb 15-17, President's Day Weekend.
The rate was raised $7 per person to cover the increase in food and catering costs. Remember, Tim Samaras and I don't make anything off of this. We sweat it out each year, pricing it to only cover our costs, hoping we break even! This convention is solely for YOU, the CHASER!!!!!
Roger Hill
The 10th Annual 2008 National Storm Chaser Convention web site is back on line, being updated and you CAN NOW SIGN UP!!!! If you are interested in being a sponsor, please contact me for details.
Check it out at: www.chaserconvention.com
We are still waiting on a few RSVPs from speakers, but as of now the outstanding lineup includes:
Dr Josh Wurman and Sean Casey as our keynote speakers. Sean will unveil the NEW TIV II!!!!!
Dr Greg Forbes from TWC
Dr Howie Bluestein
David Hoadley
Tim Marshall
Tim Samaras
Jon Davies
Mike Umscheid
There will be a few more as we get confirmations back. As you can see the line up is HUGE this year and will only get better!
Same hotel as last year. And the dates again are Feb 15-17, President's Day Weekend.
The rate was raised $7 per person to cover the increase in food and catering costs. Remember, Tim Samaras and I don't make anything off of this. We sweat it out each year, pricing it to only cover our costs, hoping we break even! This convention is solely for YOU, the CHASER!!!!!
Roger Hill