Although the next few days continue to look solid for early May, as advertised, global ensembles currently suggest a more substantial mid-month break than one would ideally like to see. The ECMWF EPS shows deep eastern troughing dominating the pattern after Monday through the end of its cycle around 5/19, while the GEFS and CMCE at least show some zonal to WSW flow nudging into the Plains starting around 5/15, and less pronounced troughing on the eastern seaboard.
The ECMWF weeklies suggest we could be headed toward periods in the late season with a similar pattern to last year: a tendency for some eastern U.S. troughing, but shortwaves continue to sneak into the Plains. Last year from late May into June, that led to a ton of mesoscale setups with modest flow, and many of them yielded good results. As always, ET and wet soil conditions are helpful in these subtler setups, so areas that have received lots of storms the past several weeks may have an edge in such a regime. But, needless to say, even the large-scale pattern could still turn out quite different than any current NWP guidance depicts at the 2+ week range.