She hasn't taken the stage yet, but the fat lady has been warming up for the past few weeks just off stage right. She's ready to go now...just waiting for the stage manager to give her the final cue to come on and sing the swan song of the 2020 season.
I recognize that we still have June (and, for the northern Plains, July, but lol to that), so it isn't over quite yet, but at least from the last several G(E)FS runs I've seen (consistent with the CFS), unless things pick up to an absurd level in mid-late June, this season is done. Worse than that, 2020 will likely compete (among those here who have been around long enough to have seen it) with 2009 for the worst peak season in memorable history for storm chasers as a group.
Don't look at the SPC WCM page's annual daily count of severe weather reports, because it does not reflect the quality of the traditional Plains ("Tornado Alley") chase season. The biggest outbreak so far this year was in Dixie, and pretty much all of the most notable events were east of the Mississippi River (and south of the Mason-Dixon line).
Ugh. Just, ugh! UGH!
To be fair, I see this MJO forecast...
But that's just one small, proxy piece of information that has yet to bear any fruit. Also, that's at a pretty long range, so things could change.
So, yes, I have hit my breaking point and lost faith. I'll be the whiner to cry it out explicitly (although Warren basically said it, too, last week): "the 2020 season is over...known before Memorial Day"
I invite everyone to join me by listening to the first episode of my new podcast* "You Know it's Gonna be a Bad Year When..." where chasers lament modern chase season quality and reminisce about the days of old when synoptically evident setups presented themselves in the NWP guidance 3-5 days out and the dryline reliably produced pretty supercells every few days of May. Each episode** will discuss one aspect of how chase seasons suck; the first one will be called "It's after 2011"***.
*Given my blunt and plainspoken tone, I understand not everyone will get that I'm not actually doing this.
**Again, not actually doing this.
***Seriously. This is not real. Don't look for this podcast. Instead, look for a thread about this.