Looking at the 12z operational GFS, during the height of the cold, 850 T's will approach -30c over Northern Wisconsin, with the -27c running along the WI/IL border. Using DT's 850 mb temp rule, we would subtract -2c from the 850 mb temp for the month of February to get the 2 meter temp. (Using my house for example, -28.5c 850 minus 2c equals -30.5c). That equates to -22.9F. That's really close to what I think the temperature will be Monday morning. I think I'll be in the -20F to -25F range. Here is the 850 mb T map for 12Z Monday 02/07/07:
The 2 meter temperature map for the same period only shows my surface temperature around -12F, however, which I think is too warm. Especially seeing I have fresh snowcover of 8" to 10" and a crystal clear sky which will allow for exceptional radiational cooling. 2 meter GFS temperature map for 12Z Monday 02/05/07:
Moving on to Monday afternoon here, the GFS paints a 850 mb temperature of -27C, and using DT's 850 temperature rule again, I would add 7c for February, bringing it up to -20c. That gives me a temperature during the warmest part of the day around -4F. I believe my high temperature to be between -5F and -10F Monday here. Here is a 850 mb temperature map of 18Z Monday 02/05/07:
So far, no one is near as cold as I think it will be. The coldest I can find is the NWS which has me at -7F Sunday night. I think most, if not all of Wisconsin will struggle to hit 0F on Sunday and Monday during the day and will fall to between -20F and -35F at night. Some areas in remote areas could approach -40F I believe. The coldest temperature on record for Milwaukee, WI for the month of February is -26F set in February, 1996. I think if everything falls in place, that record could be in trouble this upcoming weekend.
My very own predictor forecast for this upcoming weekend:
Milwaukee, WI:
Saturday, February 3rd, 2006: High: 3F, Low: -7F
Sunday, February 4th, 2006: High: -6F, Low: -17F
Monday, February 5th, 2006: High: -8F, Low: -26F (ties record set in Feb '96)
Tuesday, February 6th, 2006: High: 8F, Low: -16F
Moderation starts Wednesday.