April 21st, SE Kansas Video?

Joey Ketcham

I sent my pictures to the WCM at SGF NWS of the wall clouds I got here in southeast Kansas on April 21st. He is looking for any video shot of the event, especially in Crawford or Cherokee County Kansas.

If you do and wouldn't mind donating a copy to them, PM me..

April 21 mystery structure south of Platte City

Hey Eric, Mike, Melanie etc about the April 21 feedback
Thanks for looking my April 21 images Eric.
The picture was smaller because I wanted to have it to be able download on the page more easily. I do have a higher resolution pictures of it but they show pretty much what I see on my video and this. Yours is a little darker and more defined.
The very Cell or wallcloud like structure on the right and a funnel like structure or a hail core? angling from the right down . I am interested to know what this whitish angling structure was? hail corse? rain wrapped funnel or what?
Feedback appreciated. I am interested to know what this structure was.
Dr.Eric Flescher ([email protected]),Olathe, KS -Storm Satori-http://members.aol.com/kcstormguy/stormsatori/stormsatori.htm



I believe we've written each other in the past through
Stormtrack.org...perhaps regarding digital cameras(?)

Anyway, I pulled one of your video screen grabs from
the other day in Platte City. I did some rough
Photoshop work on one of them in order to enhance the
detail in the cloud structure in the background.
Obviously, the low resolution and small image size
resulted in considerable noise and color shift (a
full-sized screen grab would've yielded more info) but
interesting results nonetheless. See attached jpg.

Eric Hostetter

____ :shock: