Any hope for the rest of the JUL/AUG season?

Well, we got ripped off again. A huge complex of storms approached early this morning, only to evaporate into nothingness as it hit eastern IA. There is essentially no more rain chances until maybe sometime next week? We're now about a foot below normal since Jan 1.

Since my garden is toast, I think I'm going to plant a few cactus, and see how they do.......
We got ripped off here too....although we had a 5 minute downpour...which is an improvement a little. :roll: It did very little to replentish my duck pond however (poor guys, we have to buy them a kiddie swimming pool tonight so they have somewhere to swim at least!!).

There were some NICE storms (not severe, however) that went to the north along Canadian border w/Ontario, and a nice line that was off to our south from about Minneapolis trailing back into Nebraska. But the "line" was broken in the Duluth area again.

Well, we can always hope for Day 3's outlook from SPC- MN/WI/IA are in the slight risk again on Wednesday!
Originally posted by rdewey
<-------------------- I quite storm chasing!

Hey Robert, you had me confused at first. I saw your icon on the left and it looked like a longhorn cattle head with a line through it. It said "Storm Chasing Sucks", but the picture was No Longhorn Cattle. LOL! I finally kept looking at it and eventually figured out what it really was.