2/11-12/05 FCST: So. CA, AZ

Mar 21, 2004
Phoenix, AZ KD7SMQ mobile
Models seem to be showing a favorable shear and T/Td profile for severe in this area late Friday into Saturday, if we get enough moisture and sunshine down here and the cyclogenesis just off the coast.
yay..somebody finally started the thread. Things look good for some serious rain here in so cal with PW's at the best 1.5". Maybee some thunderstorms friday afternoon/night with some moderate instability. Well see how this pans out!
We got absoultely rocked here last night. We had training thunderstorms over Palos Verdes from 11pm to 4:30 am with only one little break from 1:45 to 2:30. They warned two of the storms. There was rotation detected as well. It was awesome. The only storms I have seen that have been better then last nights was the South Central Los Angles Storms November 12, 2003.

4 Tor Reports today.
oops, sorry. Wasn't paying attention to the date.

Sorry again,