WINTER STORM NOW 12/01/07-12/02/07: KS, MO, IA, NE, SD, MN, MI, WI, IL, IN, OH, NY, PA

Video from the Minneapolis area this morning. Little drier air working into my area now from the SW...2.5" of snow only.

South Sioux City report:

Freezing rain switched briefly to rain and is now back to freezing rain with continued icing. Temperature is steady at 32.5. Beautiful crystal glaze on all exposed objects outside. .2 tenths estimated glaze.
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Watch your step! LOL

It's now 2:45pm CDT and the sleet has started to mix with and change to FREEZING RAIN, (temp is around 27F)we are expecting between a tenth and a quarter of an inch of freezing rain on top of the approximate half inch of sleet that we have already received. Winds still gusting at times to around 30mph and I still have power.:D
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Well since last report the snow ended and its been all sleet. Right now we have light-Mod sleet. So far have about 1.5" of sleet and snow on ground.
The winds are about 30mph here with temp about 27-28.
The interesting part will be coming up here when this changes to Freezing rain.. Radar still shows a good amount of precip in NW IL and EC IA yet..
We got around an inch of snow here and precip's pretty much changed over to freezing rain; ice is starting to pile up nicely.
Around a tenth of an inch of ice for the most part here in Ames, a good 1.5" of sleet/graupel mix on the ground as well. Have a few pictures from my apartment, still a light freezing rain coming down when I took those less than an hour ago.



Let down!

Looks like my area has dodged a BIG bullet as the precip changed from sleet to just plain old rain!:( LOL! Also there are no power outages in my area.
Well here we just switched to Freezing rain which is putting a glaze over the sleet snow mixture..Radar shows the Precip moving extremely fast and I estimate just over another hour of precip the next hour is critical for icing. Glad no one seems to have lost power yet on a large scale at least..
Freezing rain still falling here, but it's 32 degrees, and about to change to just plain rain at anytime. Power's been out off and on the last two hours. Many large limbs and branches down. Have had about .4" of glaze total. Power outages are scattered here and there. Winds are back down to around 30mph in gusts. Had a few 40+mph wind gusts a few hours ago.

Here's a quick shot of the top of the tree in my backyard. This pic's a few hours old, as I couldn't post during the outage.

We have about .25 inch of ice here now and its 29-30 degrees. Still getting light-moderate Freezing rain.
The TV station WREX reportedly lost power and is running on generators now. They said they had about a 1/2" of ice so far..So far power is on here.
In Grand Forks we're on the northern fringe of the system. Been snowing moderately to lightly all day. We had 2-3in by 2pm this afternoon. Probably another inch or two since then.
Nice coating of ice in Iowa City. Power is now out for the northern portion of the city. Has been for a few hours now.

Below the ice is a few inches of sleet. Roads are slushy, but sidewalks are very slick with lots of drooping trees and some broken branches. I'd estimate the ice cover to be 1/4 - 1/2 an inch. (perhaps closer to 1/2 -- though this might be off, not a lot of experience with these sort of guestimations)
We received a glazing of ice over the 1/2" or so of snowfall, most of the heavier precip went north. My friends are snowboarding in Wisconsin and called me because they never have seen lightning and snow before. Looks like we got one more burst of precip that will arrive in about half an hour so we'll see what that brings.

From walking in my backyard
Freezing rain has arrived in the western suburbs of Milwaukee. The 3-5" of snow has a nice glaze on it and all southern facing exposures have a thin layer of ice on them, which has grown fairly quickly in the last 30 minutes.
Just returned inside from "shoveling" the ice from my sidewalk and driveway. Probably close to 1/4 glazed on. Pretty slippery to say the least. We have about 90 more minutes of freezing rain left in the tank before that warm air seeps in and finally gets us over 32.