Where I was, we didn’t even get direct storm impact. Everything was south of I-96 or north of I-69 in SE Michigan, nothing in between. I’d been looking forward to this event, so I’m disappointed nothing happened here, but I have some friends in Dexter who sent me pictures of ping pong ball sized hail. Those elevated supercells that started near Green Bay, went across Lake Michigan, and tracked southeast to Port Huron were monsters. I heard someone in Bay City reported severe hail sizes at his location 3 separate times with 3 different supercells!
Also had some some right/left movers that caught me off guard. Had the massive supercell that went threw Lansing down to Ann Arbor not had a right turn, it would have pummeled me.
But maybe I can boast that I didn’t receive hail damage because there are plenty of unhappy Michiganders tonight. 2-3 inch hail isn’t what you want during a pandemic.