Thunderstorms in Wisconsin in WINTER?

Nov 12, 2004
Tallahassee, FL
GFS brings LI values slightly below neutral Thursday and CAPE values between 200 and 500 j/kg. Wound up system passing well to the NW will get us highs easily 25 F (possibly more) above average. I'm thinking we could see some highs around 60 F up into N IL.

Wow, can't remember we had a tstm this late into winter (besides thundersnow).

...Alex Lamers...
It will be nice when the ETA and GFS come more in line with this system. I've been hoping the GFS was right with this, but realizing the ETA probably has the better handle as usual.
Thunderstorms in winter!

Iowa could also receive some nonsevere thunderstorms Wedsnday night and Thursday! Hail and strong winds would be great but right now I'd even settle for just a few bolts of lightning!! SDS is in full affect!! :lol:
Dunno about Wisconsin, but the Chicago metro got hit by some nice thunderstorms last night. A balmy 56 degree high at 11:59 to top it off too. It was below zero last week, what a change. :shock:

(Removed link to NWS lightning forecast icon)

Lo 33°F

This is what MKX has...I have never seen this icon in their forecasts in January before!

Never did see any lightning Saturday night.