Stormchasing simulations

Jun 13, 2004
Olathe, KS

I created a weather website for the Annenburg foundation several years ago. It took a lot of work. But the crowning achievement was thinking up, devising and creating my the stormchaser simulation that I designed as the big activity for the website.

Actually I designed two: a first one and then a better one.
It is this better one (which needed more money and which they did not take as it needed more pictures, video clips etc) which I would like to design in the near future.

So I am looking for additional ideas what to add to the better one that I am designing.
Look it over and try the simulation at (look for stormchaser sim... at the what's new or on the two pulldown menus in the my top toolbar menu (fav and stormsatori pages)

Then place your ideas in the forum under this post. I look forward to seeing your comments and idea.

Dr.Eric Flescher ([email protected]),Olathe, KS -Storm Satori-
Looks pretty cool. One problem I ran into is that none of my answers saved. I don't know if it's due to my browser or something though.
feeback from simulation

You need to go through all the observations in each city and then you can review what you selected and what was actually happening to say whether you were right or wrong in each city.

Please also let me know what you feel I can do to improve the simulations.
My improved version would use
(1) more scenarios
(2) multiple photos not illustrations to give an idea of the guidebook storm conditions
(3) more preparation options before you do the scenario

Dr.Eric Flescher ([email protected]),
I had the same issue of my answers not saving to be compared to the experts. Is this designed for IE only? I’m using Fire fox, so maybe this is an issue. Other wise it was kind of fun and I’m sure it will be helpful to its target audience.
Great start.

Is there a way that you use check boxes (radio buttons) for all possible descriptions and then have the user check off the likelyhood that the event would take place at a given location. You would then be able to use the database to compare against what the experts say and then give a percentage for each location. A total percentage would then be possible as an overall rating as to whether or not the person should be chasing.

Just a thought!
Some of the weather phenomena descriptions pop up in windows that are not big enough? At least on my computer. Perhaps my text size is set to something larger than the default? I'm not sure.

Other than that, it looks great!!
Eric, I think you've got a great idea that's well worth developing. Just one small observation: The photos associated with the different locations were for the most part clear and easy to identify, but when it came to Topeka, I had no idea what I was looking at. The image appeared blurred and out of focus. After looking at your different illustrations, I determined it was cirrus, but it could just as easily have been stratus...or wallpaper. :? Take that for what it's worth, though. You're onto something good.

You've made me wonder whether anyone has thought of developing software for guys like me who are trying to develop their forecasting skills for stormchasing purposes. A tutorial approach could utilize multimedia to create scenarios where a "chaser" moves step by step from developing a hands-on familiarity with various forecast tools and models, to analyzing developing weather simulations and plotting a forecast (including a target area for chasing), to virtual chase scenarios. I know, I know--it would be one heckuva project, but it would be a real gift from those of you with the know-how to those of us who are trying to learn. Is something like this at all doable, or am I dreaming?
thanks for all your ideas

Thanks for your replies and consideration at looking at the simulation. I actually spent more time making up a more creative and enhanced simulation but they did not want it. I also wanted better pictures but those did not make it except for the ones that were accepted by I believe Sam Barrikalow (spelling) or Gene Moore home I inquired.

It took a lot of time and hard work to make the whole website and then the simulation too. I'm glad I did and appreciate all the feedback.

From the memories I have of the more expert simulation and all your feedback maybe someday I will make the more advanced one. If anyone else has ideas keep em coming.
Dr.Eric Flescher ([email protected]),Olathe, KS -Storm Satori-