I agree with Wes. It is easy to through darts at others, which isn't always a bad thing, but Warren seems to be doing doing it in a more or less in a political campaign style. By exaggerating how wild and out of control chasers are, while he stays above the fray tends to make every one look bad. There are, without a doubt, a few bad apples that chase. That's the case in every field you look at, from Doctors to police officers. It seems that Reed was being pointed out too, without using his name. Reed though, has many times in his chases back off when the tornado has become stronger than his vehicle can tolerate. His team is prompt in calling in tornados and they don't drive like a bat out of hell, passing on curves to get in position. If he can stay relatively safe and still provide quality video where he can actually earn a living, more power to him.
Everybody has a stake in not being portrayed as an idiot because of their love of weather. What needs to be done is for everyone of us to say something to the very few bad apples when we see them on the road. If you see someone do something stupid when you are out on the road, call them on it. Let them know that whatever unsafe acts they sure doing could hurt not only themselves, but some innocent person the come in contact with on the roadway. It also makes all chasers look like idiots. It's that that much different than an NBA player being charged with rape reflecting negatively on the entire NBA. This topic has been covered before. If a handful of idiots would reign themselves in we wouldn't have to see this on a message board any more. And Warren would not have any more material to work with