State of the chase season 2020

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Not sure whether this fits best here or in the "worst seasons" thread...

The 2020 season continues to infuriate and stick its finger in the eyes of the chase community in novel ways. May was bad... really bad... but hey, it happens these days (2009, 2012, 2014, 2018). The June 4-9 period then brought a trough to the central and northern Plains with upper flow on the strong end of the distribution for late spring. While the evolution of that trough/cyclone was not optimal, and was complicated by an utterly stupid early June TC, I still couldn't believe as I looked at NWP guidance on June 2-3 that we'd make it through that whole subsequent week without any quality tornado days. It is quite remarkable to go through 5-6 consecutive diurnal cycles in June with reasonable ingredients in place (including a trough of that magnitude, so not just 30-kt shear prayer plays) and come up totally empty handed... not even a rogue quality tor on the fringes of the expected threat area on one of those days?

Now, we're rapidly approaching the end of the traditional Plains season. Only, instead of a death ridge taking over, the pattern over North America continues to be amplified with seasonably strong flow aloft at midlatitudes. The problem is... no matter how many different jet configurations evolve as the weeks go by, the atmosphere is simply allergic to sustained SW flow over the central US. Wavelengths change, cutoffs come and go... the only constant is negative height anomalies along the eastern seaboard. Medium range guidance now points to an unseasonably deep trough setting up over the west coast from about 6/28-7/3 or so. If this were happening 5-8° longitude further east, we'd likely get an anomalous, extended period of legitimate chase opportunities on the High Plains... much like what you'd expect in late May or early June in a year that doesn't suck. But instead, as of now, it appears the Plains will be stuck in the middle of a weak omega block, pissing away our last chance at some redemption. If we're lucky, there might be a day or two next week with opportunities on the NW fringes of the alley in MT/WY and nearby areas.


Personally, I'm at the point where I'd prefer a 600-dm heat dome over the whole central US, rather than a near miss on a once-per-decade early summer chasing stretch. How many more gratuitous middle fingers can the atmosphere possibly shoot us?
How depressing:
This page documents confirmed tornadoes from May to June 2020 via various weather forecast offices of the National Weather Service. Based on the 1991–2010 averaging period, 276 tornadoes occur across the United States throughout May and 243 in June.[1]
May 2020 proved to be one of the least active on record, with only 65 confirmed tornadoes. This was the lowest since at least 1970 when 88 tornadoes were confirmed. No moderate- or high-risk outlooks were issued by the Storm Prediction Center throughout the month, a first since archives of outlooks began in 2002.[4]

Guess we can look forward to armchair (at least in my case) chasing hurricanes in Aug/Sep if the hype in the tropical forums is to be believed...

Warren, still remember your account of Andrew from the book "Storm Chaser."

Speaking of which and in reference to Brett's post as well, kind of frustrating that Cristobal didn't manage to produce a quality tropical tornado outbreak deep inland, despite its unusual track and merger with the trough.
I'm with Brett, this is annoying even getting marginal chances now that will likely get pissed away. Just give me summer and end it already. I know one thing is for certain, in following years, I won't be so picky about my early season chasing prospects. This year my strategy was to wait for quality later in the year which unfortunately never showed up. Granted the only day I missed was 4/22 which I likely couldn't have pulled off anyway.
I'm with Brett, this is annoying even getting marginal chances now that will likely get pissed away. Just give me summer and end it already. I know one thing is for certain, in following years, I won't be so picky about my early season chasing prospects. This year my strategy was to wait for quality later in the year which unfortunately never showed up. Granted the only day I missed was 4/22 which I likely couldn't have pulled off anyway.

I've been lucky enough to have the money and opportunities this season to keep chasing despite the "poor" set ups. I keep thinking to myself the only way I'm going to see a tornado is if I'm chasing, so I keep going out.
I've been out 12x this year which is a pretty normal year despite the crappy season, but keep coming home without the elusive amazing tornado shot.
Seen probably 1/2 a dozen bird farts or not fully condensed tornadoes and a couple of days with nice structure, but not getting my money's worth for sure.
Oh well, at least gas has been cheap and it's better than any day spent at work!
Guess we can look forward to armchair (at least in my case) chasing hurricanes in Aug/Sep if the hype in the tropical forums is to be believed...

I’m looking forward to that too Andy, especially after not taking a chase vacation this year. I have never actually chased a hurricane, and doubt I will be able to this year, but I enjoy tracking what’s going on, and living less than 50 miles from the NJ coast there’s always a chance to at least get some action from a brush-by or drive to the shore to see the surf kick up and experience the wind. Hurricanes were actually my “first love” as a kid developing an interest in weather while growing up on Long Island...

Also still have the seasonal thunderstorm peak in July here where I live. The storms here are laughable compared to the Plains, but hey it’s something, if you love weather and storms you have to appreciate even small stuff like that, especially if that’s all you get... A day with any thunderstorms at all is still more interesting than a sunny day!
JamesCaruso said:
A day with any thunderstorms at all is still more interesting than a sunny day!
True. I've always loved a good thunderstorm!
So far nothing this year (other than seeing storms off in the distance). Hoping 'monsoon season' when it arrives produces atleast something.
I need a lightning show! The land needs the rain...especially up in the mountains (went camping last weekend, just by looking, you can tell places are bone dry. And the 'fire danger' signs showing "extreme" as the level confirms it... just a matter of time before something lights up if they don't get some rain soon)
I'm just emotionally spent on 2020. I had such high hopes for this year with plans to get out and flat chase. It ended up that we only chased one day (5/23) this year but I finally got to meet Jeff Duda after 12 years. We spent last Sunday reliving our chase highlights and secrets so it was really worth the wait. I'd recommend doing the same for anyone who has been let down as bad as I think we were. It restokes the fire that burns from within!
My big chase so far has been on my bicycle beneath a garden variety thunderstorm – that still counts doesn't it?
There's still July and I've had some great July chases in the past.
My state of the chase season has been chase everything as well. Speaking of which, I plan to chase tomorrow's setup in N IA, but my chase partner balked at the notion of leaving by 8am. Is anyone willing to meet up and let me caravan? I don't have data on my phone, so I have little success solo. If you are feeling generous, please shoot me a message and we can work out the details. Thanks.
Just wait until we get a weak Nina next year (very possible given the current SSTA profile in the tropical Pacific and less than favorable trade winds for growth/surfacing of sub-surface cold anomalies) with a background state of drought over the High Plains...

Weak Ninas in recent years have consistently been the quietest in May/June, often with flow dying across the CONUS. See: 2006, 2009, 2012, 2017, 2018.
And of course, on a day to which was catagorized in a 'general thunderstorm' outlook with 0% tornado probs, this happens in southwest Kansas where NO ONE, including those living within a county of this ('cept this dude and some other local guy), went out chasing and we all watched this unfold on Twitter.

A solid kick in the nuts to everyone whose put in any kind of effort into this season. Yay 2020!
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