Sony PSP Possible Storm Chase Usage

Joey Ketcham

I'm not big on gaming, but my older brother is a big gamer and recently he purchased a game system called the Sony PSP which I think generally runs around $250, give or take...

Anyways he was telling me how this has a built in WiFi on it, also in the future there will be a GPS addon, and possibly a web browswer addon as well and plus in the future there will be an addon keyboard for it... then it got me thinking.. heck, this could be a minature laptop. The screen is bigger than a PDA, more wider and can see more.

Between the WiFi and the web browser being made in the future, this would be a great way to connect to wifi's at truck stops to get data.

He's gonna keep me updated on when all this stuff will become avaliable for it, but definatley an option for those who can't afford laptops.
Those things are awesome. A few of my friends have them. If you ever get bored while out chasing you can pop in a game or even a movie. They also have a slot for a memory card so you can put up to 1 gig of stuff in their if you have the 1 gig card.
My brother got the web browser hack for it today, that thing is pretty dang sweet! Once the GPS comes out on it, I think I will buy me one just for storm chasing. I'm gonna have him take a picture of his with the SPC convective outlook up on it and I'll post it up here...
Here's some shots my brother took of his PSP with the SPC website loaded on it connected to WiFi at his house..

[Broken External Image]:
[Broken External Image]:

Right now you can scroll up and down using the control pad, but he's sure once they come out with a real browswer and not a hacked one it'll be similar to IE.