Katrina Blogs

Dec 8, 2003
Kansas City, Missouri
After a couple of days of watching these events unfold and the grief that is now coming to the surface as a result, I've finally made an effort to blog a story with thoughts on Katrina.

If anyone else has blogged reports on this storm, I'd be interested in gathering links to your blog websites. Please list any Katrina blogs of your own, or any others you find helpful, in this thread.

Mine can be found at: http://stormseason.blogspot.com
BBC News is reporting that hundreds of bloggers are setting up today as a 'blog for relief' day to assist in coordinating relief efforts through various charitable organizations.

Blogger TruthLaidBear.com is setting up the coordinated effort. Craigslist.com is also coordinating missing persons lists to help reconnect people through the Internet. A database of missing persons is additionally located at GulfCoastNews.com.

Some additional chaser blogs that I'm finding helpful:

Amos Magliocco
Roger Edwards
Jeff Gammons
Ryan McGinnis
Shane Adams

Bloggers can add assistance by directing folks to the appropriate, accurate and helpful websites and charitable organizations that will do the most good during this crisis.