Warren Faidley
I have been seeing the whole CIPS analogy page being thrown around where May 3rd, 1999 is one of the analogous events for Saturday. However, if you look at all the events, there are only a few where severe weather occurred. Sure enough though, people are throwing the "May 3rd" term around to describe this weekend, which is irresponsible in my opinion.
The overall strategy of the chasers who post this BS is brilliant in a marketing sense. There are a lot of people who know little or nothing about severe weather. When they see this crap they believe it, like toy rockets actually having a "life saving" scientific purpose. Regardless, it's almost impossible to call anyone on this, because those who believe it are so enchanted with their "heroes" its become a cult-like following. The old method for this kind of brainwashing was television. Before that is was traveling snake oil salesmen. Some might remember the televangelists who were once very successful at capturing those who were weak minded to join the faith. The problem with building an empire on a false foundation is that eventually someone in the media will expose them and it all goes to hell.