Chase Road Kill

Dec 8, 2003
Bridge Creek, OK
Ok now that 2005 chase season is over for most of us now would be a good time to start this. I got the idea from Nick's Opossum thread.

While chasing, what kind of animals or other objects have you run over?

My list: (all at night and all in Oklahoma - #3 in 2005)

2 - Opossums
1 - Raccoon
1 - Turkey (June 4 KS - Chad, Shane, and I)
2 - shredded tires

1 - Porky pine

June 4 2005 Turkey hood damage to Chad's already beaten car.

Heck Chad and Shane hit a large piece of wood that night and messed one of Chad's tires up at the I-40 and I-44 interchange. Crazzzzy.

I honestly didn't think I still had a bumper after I hit the Raccoon. That sucker was big. My poor car...

I'm happy to say I hit 0 animals etc. while chasing in 2004/2005! I'm pretty good at swerving/hitting the breaks and am also just plain LUCKY..... :lol: :lol: :D
I didnt hit or run over anything this year...but I wasnt very lucky in 2004.
Last year I ran over anything from cats, coons (the 4-legged kind), possums, squirrels, rabbits, and I even nailed a couple of hawks that were in the roadway. I was very fortunate that I didnt hit any of the bigger stuff like deer and so on.
Anyone ever hit a fish?
While chasing in far SW'ern OK this year, Bob Hall and I ran over a carp flopping from a pond - across the road - to a field flooded with rain water.

Bob was rolling tape as we crossed the section of dirt road with about 2" of moving water on it. We have yet to find the fish on the tape.
With a pond on one side and a field full of water on the other, I guess the carp decided to try for a little different environment.

The fish lived as it was not hit by our tire. Whether he made it back to the pond before the field drained is unknown...

This is one of the more weird things I have seen in the field.
Originally posted by Mickey Ptak
Ok now that 2005 chase season is over for most of us now would be a good time to start this. I got the idea from Nick's Opossum thread.

While chasing, what kind of animals or other objects have you run over?

My list: (all at night and all in Oklahoma - #3 in 2005)

2 - Opossums
1 - Raccoon
1 - Turkey (June 4 KS - Chad, Shane, and I)
2 - shredded tires

1 - Porky pine

June 4 2005 Turkey hood damage to Chad's already beaten car.


Fred Plowman Storm Chaser Correspondant : " I was there"!

We were driving heading west towards a cell outside of Emporia Kansas when all of a sudden our caravan locks up its brakes at 80 miles an hour!

Chad the driver of the lead car with Mickey Ptak and Shane Adams hit a turkey yes thats right folks a turkey. See the damage above? The turkey hit with such force it also knocked their Mesonet off of the vehicle. What a day in South Eastern Kansas

And thats the story, Fred Plowman Storm Chaser Correspondant.
lol Fred. Yep that was a trip. I was sitting in the back seat trying do something and all of a sudden I here Chad scream like a little girl (not quite like a little girl but close) and then I hear a loud BANG BOOM! Then the weather station comes clean off and slams onto the back window. As I turn around to see what hit the back window I see feathers flying everywhere. Now, I start cracking up because of Chad's scream, but he is all pew pew because he thinks I am laughing at the bad situation we are in. Not the case though. We all got out and it only took a few minutes to fasten down the weather station again and off we where to see a tornado that no one else saw (that we know of).

BTW: My official thank you to all who pulled over and gave a much need helping hand. Thank You!

No problem.. it all added to the excitement and created a bonding experience with fellow storm

I think i just got in the way though trying to help.. hehehhe

I've been lucky this year.

2 pheasants in south dakota....on the same day....about an hour apart from each other. One skimmed off my glass on my windshield and took out my antenna. The other one nailed my antenna and knocked it off my roof.

1 Racoon in northern MN. This one did the most damage as it damaged the rock guard under my car.

Fortunately I believe I avoided everything this year....somehow. In previous years I've hit deer, pheasants, birds, dogs, and juicy bugs big enough to practically dent the vehicle. One year I went a week or two after driving solid on the plains literally everywhere without cleaning the vehicle. The bugs were just thick across the entire front side and parts of birds were hanging out the grill :lol:
in the past 3 years I have become an expert on hitting birds in flight. Dont know if my antenna's whistle and attract them or what.

2003---- 7 birds
2004---- 6 birds, dozens of taranchula's near aspermont
2005---- 7 birds, 1 rabbit, 2 turtles, and Kanani hit 1 big skunk. took days to get rid of that smell.

One of the birds this year took a huge chunk out of my bug deflector. Another one was cut in half(sorry for the detail) by my factory radio antenna and splattered all over the windshiled in fromt of Kanani. had to stop at the next gas station to clean it off before she would even look up.
I can't claim anything as exciting as a turkey. However, I have several Meadowlark strikes. Let's see, what else managed to become part of the pavement... 1 Jackrabbit, (as opposed to the common field rabbit variety more common here). 1 suicidal suicidal squirrel. 1 freshly fed Katydid (That was a monster mess). 1 Bobcat (that's about like hitting a dog. They're tough!). Several snakes (not intentional, I promise!). And quite a few members of the Rodent family of various sizes.

Of course the various insects of multiple sizes, all of them hitting a 6 inch target area right in front of the camera lens!
Back when I lived in Springfield, MO, I used to see armadillos all over the place... whether sunny or stormy :)

I never thought they got that far east, but I guess I was mistaken.

(I really should post more actively, but life has kept me away from the internet lately)
Hit a bird with my mag-mount scanner antenna near Dumas, TX. Missed a Pheasant by inches near Huron, SD. Other than that, no other incidents of note.

The only other animal I've hit while chasing the Plains was something about the size of a possum or groundhog at midnight on I-64 in southern Indiana in April of 2003.